Climate Change and Central Oregon Landscaping

Richard Martinson

Published in Cascade Business News August 21, 2024

About seven years ago Cascade Business News published an article talking about the need to modify our approach to urban landscapes in response to a rapidly changing climate: The Future of Landscape Design: Water, Climate Change, and Public Perception.  I wrote that article to increase awareness of the environmental changes that would affect our ability to retain conventional landscapes in central Oregon – things like lawns, high water-use ornamental plants, and unsustainable maintenance practices.  Now, nearly a decade later, the State and municipalities are implementing changes in the allocation of water rights, construction standards, and irrigation restrictions as methods to address the resource limitations and climatic conditions we’re experiencing from a continually changing climate.  Cities, homeowners, developers, and the “green industry” are now being requiredto change their landscaping practices.

 For the past year or so the City of Bend has been busy revising the Tree and Planter Strip Landscaping Code. Those revisions go into effect on August 16, 2024.  They require developers to utilize native or low-water (xeric) plants in landscapes between streets and sidewalks, install water efficient drip or low-flow irrigation systems, and refer to a much broader palette of trees from which to choose for planter strips.  Landscape professionals will need to become familiar with native and xeric plants and low-water irrigation techniques in order to meet the updated standards and remain viable as these standards are undoubtedly expanded to all future landscaping in central Oregon. 

 While the need for these code modifications has been discussed for decades, they are currently being implemented in part because of changes in how the Oregon Water Resources Department is reassessing the allocation of water rights, and may be restricting access to additional water resources across the state; including municipalities.  According to the OWRD “The current groundwater availability review process does not adequately address the cumulative and long-term impacts to existing users and the groundwater and surface water systems over time. The current process evaluates one-year short-term acute impacts to surface water bodies within one mile of the proposed location in the application. Under the current rules, permits are generally granted until the basin has more water allocated than may be available at the specific location.”

 In Bend, where approximately 60% of residential water use is for landscaping, the need to conserve water as an essential resource has become critical.  We must get serious about conserving water in our semi-arid environment, but also need to increase our understanding of the importance of a biodiverse urban environment to the health and wellbeing of ourselves and our community. 

 But how can we maintain the aesthetic values inherent in urban landscapes while conserving water and other resources?  The answer is in designing and creating landscapes and gardens with plants that are adapted to our climate and soils, preserving as much of the native landscape as possible, and understanding that some of the characteristics that make it possible for plants to survive in our sometimes extreme environment are different than characteristics of some more common landscape species.

 For example, some of our native shrubs such as wax currant or sagebrush enter into a summer dormancy in response to drought and heat.  Wax currant will often shed its leaves in the summer as a strategy to reduce transpiration and save water.  Understanding that these types of adaptations are natural and necessary parts of surviving in our climate helps us appreciate the strategic nature of central Oregon vegetation and reduces the need for irrigation in landscapes that utilize these species.  And awareness of the importance of these adaptations becomes even more important with climate change. 

Heat domes have now become an annual event.  The first half of July this year experienced temperatures significantly higher than historic averages, humidity levels significantly lower than historic averages, and no precipitation.  Soil moisture levels in unirrigated locations dropped well below 15% -- generally considered the “permanent wilting point” for plants.  Our climate is changing, becoming hotter and drier and increasing drought stress on our urban landscapes.  Maintaining the health and vigor of urban plantings becomes increasingly difficult without increasing irrigation and using more water than may be available in our region, especially when the state is reassessing the allocation of water rights and recommending (not yet a requirement) a statewide reduction in water use. 

 An increase in temperatures and a decrease in humidity levels affects the transpiration rate of plants; the loss of water from plants through small openings called stomates.  Transpiration is one half of “evapotranspiration” or the combination of transpiration and evaporation (the transfer of water from the ground to the air).  Most landscape irrigation schedules are based on evapotranspiration. The conditions we experience during heat domes (high temps and low humidity) are not only hard on us, but may be even more stressful on plants in our landscapes. 

 Generally, maintenance practices strive to minimize water stress in landscapes.  There is often more water available to the plants than they need.  Water-wise landscaping tries to balance the water requirements of plants with the irrigation schedule so there is a minimum of excess water available for plants.  The supply balances with the demand.

 Heat domes increase the water requirement of landscapes through increasing transpiration rates of individual plants and increasing evaporation rates from soil.  Typically, we respond by irrigating more often or for longer durations, primarily to maintain the aesthetic value of the landscape.  We want it to look good even through periods of extreme stress. 

 And there’s the issue.  As discussed back in 2017, we need to alter our views of landscapes.  With continued climate change and the subsequent and inevitable revision of landscape code and water use restrictions we can no longer justify the design, construction, and maintenance of conventional landscapes.  We need to increase our understanding and awareness of the environmental impacts of our landscaping practices, and be proactive in addressing the very real effects of a continually changing climate.  Plant choices, planting techniques, maintenance practices, and embracing the biology that supports communities of plants must be incorporated into our planning and design if we want to continue creating environments that support ourselves and all the other life with which we share this planet.





Rick Martinson is Founder and Director of the High Desert Horticultural Center, and co-owner of WinterCreek Nursery in Bend, Oregon.  He worked as a landscape contractor in Bend for over 25 years, served on the Oregon Landscape Contractors Board, and holds a Ph.D. in Horticulture from Oregon State University. 

Famed climate scientist has a new, dire prediction

Some scientists question the new study, which asserts that Earth is warming faster than previously estimated

By Kasha Patel and Shannon Osaka

November 2, 2023 at 3:32 p.m. EDT

National Disaster Response Force personnel distribute relief material to flood victims stuck in a low-lying area around the river Yamuna in New Delhi in July. (Manish Swarup/AP)

Thirty-five years ago, NASA climate scientist James Hansen stood in front of Congress with a bold declaration: Humans are causing an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and it’s changing our climate. Some scoffed, but, in the decades that followed, people saw how prescient this warning was.

On Thursday, Hansen and colleagues across the world released a studywith another serious, though controversial, finding. Climate change will catapult global temperatures into crisis territory earlier than previously thought, the scientists said, warning that Earth is already nearing average temperatures more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial norms. Their alarming prediction — that the pace of Earth’s warming is accelerating — stirred some disagreement within the climate community.

“The 1.5-degree limit is deader than a doornail,” Hansen, now a director at the Earth Institute at Columbia University, said in a call with reporters Thursday. “In the next several months, we’re going to go well above 1.5C [Celsius] on a 12-month average. ... For the rest of this decade, the average is going to be at least 1.5.”

Since the preindustrial era, Earth has warmed around 1.2 degrees Celsius. But recently, temperatures have spiked beyond that. Some summer months in 2023 have registered global average temperatures 1.5 to 1.6 degrees hotter than the average before the widespread use of fossil fuels.

While 1.5 degrees isn’t a magical tipping point for Earth’s demise, the United Nations has warned of severe and potentially irreversible consequences above that level. Many staple crops wouldn’t be able to grow in such warmth. Even the best water conservation practices wouldn’t combat the projected droughts.

Scientists have long disagreed on exactly how much global temperatures will rise with additional atmospheric carbon dioxide. An early study in 1979 estimated that doubling carbon dioxide in the air would cause global increases of 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius. More recently, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change calculated that the Earth could warm by 3 degrees with a doubling of CO2.

But those may be underestimations, the new study found. Hansen and his colleagues analyzed paleoclimate data and the Earth’s energy imbalance to estimate that doubling carbon dioxide could lead to a whopping 4.8 degrees of warming compared with the preindustrial era.

Under the current trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions, they predicted that the 1.5-degree benchmark will be passed in the 2020s, and 2 degrees of warming will be passed before 2050 — a markedly faster rate than the prognosis from other scientists. In its most recent landmark climate report, the United Nations stated global temperatures would reach the 1.5-degree mark in the early 2030s.

Hansen and his co-authors attribute the rapid warming pace partly to a reduction in aerosols — or particles of pollution in the atmosphere. Some types of pollution reflect the sun’s rays, cooling the planet; as countries clean up their energy systems, cutting down on that pollution can counterintuitively create a warming effect. The new paper suggests that cutting pollution from marine shipping may be causing the Earth to absorb more solar radiation.

The team estimated a global warming rate of 0.18 degrees per decade from 1970 to 2010, but the scientists say the pace will increase to at least 0.27 degrees per decade during the next few decades

“The two-degree limit can only be rescued with the help of purposeful actions to affect Earth’s energy balance,” said Hansen at the news conference. “We will need to cool off Earth to save our coastlines, coastal cities worldwide and lowlands while also addressing the other problems caused by global warming.”

Not everyone agrees with the new study. Michael Mann, a professor of earth science at the University of Pennsylvania, posted a lengthy critiqueof the paper on his personal website.

“The standard is high when you’re challenging scientific understanding,” Mann wrote. “And I don’t think they’ve met that standard, by a longshot.”

Mann argued that the ocean’s heat content is growing steadily, but — in contrast to Hansen and his co-authors — is not accelerating. Mann also cited data showing that there does not appear to be a sudden shift in pollution from aerosols over the past few years. Other researchers have found that a decline in aerosol pollution from cleaning up shipping would only shift global temperatures by 0.05 or 0.06 Celsius.

“While I hold James Hansen to be one of the most (if not the most) important contributors to our modern scientific understanding of human-caused climate change, I feel that this latest contribution from Jim and his co-authors is at best unconvincing,” Mann wrote.

The new study also suggests a path forward for policy — an unusual move for most scientific papers. For decades, scientists have avoided providing any policy prescriptions for dealing with the problem of climate change, preferring to stick to science and data. But in recent years, that has begun to change.

Hansen and colleagues call for a rising price or tax on carbon emissions, subsidies for renewables and nuclear power, and global cooperation on climate goals. They also suggest further research into solar geoengineering, a technique that could cool the planet by injecting particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s light.

In the press call, Hansen also called for further political action from young people and others galvanized by the overheating planet.

“I believe a political party that takes no money from special interests is probably an essential part of the solution,” he said. “Young people should not underestimate their political power.”



Biodiversity is a key component of landscapes based on ecological principles.  The definition of biodiversity is often elusive and debatable, and includes both quantitative and qualitative measurements.  The term originated from the Greek bios, meaning life, and diversity, which has been characterized as 1) the number of different types of items (richness), 2) the number of different types of items and their relative abundance (evenness), and 3) variety (vaguely defined as the class to which the diversity belongs).  

Table 1 lists selected definitions of biodiversity from the least inclusive to the most inclusive based on a set of common components and processes referenced from 1976 to 1996 (DeLong 1996).  All components listed have been characterized by different authors on the basis of Richness (the number of different types of items - e.g. species, communities - within an area), and Evenness (the relative abundance of different types of items in an area).


Allaby (2010) defines biodiversity as a portmanteau used to describe all aspects of biological diversity, especially species richness, ecosystem complexity, and genetic variation.  In this definition the debatable inclusion of abiotic structure and processes is implied by the use of the term ecosystem complexity.  Some authors argue the appropriate term when including abiotic components is Ecological Diversity - not Biodiversity.  The main point in the argument is that the term Biological (bio/bios) refers only to biotic elements and does not include the non-living portions of a landscape (defined here in a broader sense than merely urban landscapes).

Noss (1990) identified three main attributes of biodiversity that, I think, apply to urban systems: compositionstructure, and function.  Composition refers to the richness of biotic components and the relative abundance of each in an area.  Structure addresses the vertical and horizontal elements of a community or landscape, and the organizational levels (guilds or functional groups) of plant and animal populations.  Function includes processes such as herbivory, predation, parasitism, mortality, production, and energy flow through biotic communities.  These processes are typically addressed in terms of the identity and number of different types of processes as well as the rate at which each process operates.  Noss’ definition applies only to biotic components and does not consider abiotic elements as part of biodiversity, although he later argues the importance of including abiotic components in the definition because of their role supporting biotic communities.

The debate continues.  The term biodiversity is often used indiscriminately as a reference to the variety of life in an area.  Increasing biodiversity, in this sense, normally refers to an increase in species richness, rarely addressing structural or functional diversity directly.  A clear decision on whether or not to include abiotic components or human influences as an element of biodiversity is also commonly avoided.

 Dasmann (1991) includes human influences in his definition of biodiversity:  “The term biodiversity refers to the totality of species, populations, communities, and ecosystems, both wild and domesticated, that constitute the life of any one area or the entire planet… it specifically includes cultural modifications of the natural world.”  I find two interesting points about this definition.  First, Dasmann includes ecosystems in his definition of biodiversity, implying inclusion of abiotic components.  Secondly, he argues results of human action, while affecting biodiversity, are integral to functional systems (ecosystems).  Human actions are inherently a part of urban environments.

 As we’ve seen, a universally accepted definition of biodiversity doesn’t seem to exist.  Although debates continue about abiotic and biotic components, and whether human influences play a role in defining biodiversity, the practical definition in this field, and the commonly used meaning of the term, refers to richness; simply the number of different types of items.  In our case, that normally means the number of different types of plants. 

 That definition raises another question!  Are we simply talking about the number of different species in a constructed landscape, or are we talking about diversity in species, functional groups, and structural characteristics?  How about intra-species genetic diversity?  What do we really mean when we say that biodiversity is important in created urban landscapes?  Why is it important?


 A major factor affecting biodiversity in urban settings is disturbance.  In ecological theory, disturbance can either permanently change the biotic community, or provide an opportunity for renewal.  Extreme disturbance events generally permanently change the community, affecting both above-ground and below-ground processes and communities.  Since human activities have affected many natural processes and introduced many non-native species over the past century, severe disturbance increases susceptibility to colonization by invasive species (invasibility) and often permanently alters ecological succession of the site.


 Disturbance is common in urban development.  This photo is of a development area in Bend Oregon where a natural juniper scrub plant association was destroyed, rock ridges were removed and crushed into gravel, the site is being leveled, and apartment complexes are being built.  Ecologically, this qualifies as an extreme disturbance.  

 Many years ago I was fortunate enough to be able to spend some time in the blast zone at Mount St Helens in Washington state.  It was only a few years after the eruption and we were able to see the extent of destruction and disturbance from that major event.  The disturbance at the construction site in this photo is on par or exceeds levels of disturbance I witnessed at Mount St. Helens.  Both biotic and abiotic components of both landscapes have been highly modified. 

 St. Helens removed vegetation, destroyed geographic features, altered hydrologic systems, displaced native wildlife, negatively affected soil biota, and completely changed the physical appearance of the area.  The disturbance evident in this photo is essentially the same, just on a smaller scale.

 If we think of biodiversity and its importance in ecological function, how can we assess effects urban development has on these processes, and at what scale do we make those assessments?  How does urban development affect biodiversity on local, regional, statewide, national, global, or cosmic scales?  Does development tend to increase species diversity as some people argue, or does development generally lead to homogenization of biological systems, and at what scale?  

 Part of the work in ecology based landscaping is trying to address those questions in a very practical manner.  When working on a project, how does your work affect biodiversity of the individual property and how does that translate to a larger scale?  How does your project affect ecological function, including biodiversity, in the neighborhood, municipality, region (thinking ecoregion instead of political boundaries), and physiographic region (e.g. the Northwest, or Southwest, or anywhere else that’s identified physiographically).

 Another question from the practical application of these ideas is: Are we really doing the right thing by trying to design replacement ecosystems within urban environments?  Are we causing problems for the future (temporal scale)?  These are valid questions without a clear answer.  Or do we just try to do the best we can and hope we’re smart enough to design something that will actually work?  

 Now I’m rambling, but these are questions we discuss as a company doing this type of work.  I get great pleasure from hearing my crew discuss these questions while eating lunch under a tree.  Since this is a fairly new field, these debates are incredibly valuable.



References cited:

Allaby, Michael. 2010.  Oxford Dictionary of Ecology; 4th ed. Oxford University Press.

Dasmann, R.F. 1991. The importance of cultural and biological diversity.  In: M.L. Oldfied and J.B. Alcorn, eds.  Biodiversity, culture, conservation, and ecodevelopment. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.

DeLong, Don Jr. 1996. Defining Biodiversity. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24(4). 738-749.

Noss, Reed F. 1990. Indicators for monitoring biodiversity: A hierarchical approach.  Conservation Biology 4(4). 355-364.

OSU Encourages Gardening with Native Plants: From the Corvallis Advocate

As you look back at last year’s garden and begin to plan next year’s, consider the benefits of native plants.  

“There’s a new aesthetic,” said Weston Miller, horticulturist with Oregon State University’s Extension Service. “Gardeners want to connect to nature and the heritage of plants that grow in the Pacific Northwest.”  

Part of the draw is the correlation between native plants and pollinators. A native garden translates into nirvana for bees, birds, butterflies and other beneficial critters.  

“The habitat value is really high,” Miller noted. “Native pollinators are accustomed to native plants and are more likely to be attracted to them.”  

But even with natives, you’ve got to think about the right plant for the right place, he said. If you plant a sun-loving plant in the shade or vice versa, it’s not going to make it. For instance, plants that grow in the shade of the forest – such as salal and evergreen huckleberry – don’t want the full-sun, prairie conditions required by camas and meadow checkerbloom.  

Sun- or shade-loving plants native to the Northwest will thrive in our wet winters and dry summers given the correct soil, water and sun exposure. If satisfied with their situation, these plants will reward you with a low-maintenance attitude.  

If you wonder what exactly native means, Miller suggests thinking of the area west of the Cascades if you live in western Oregon, and east of the Cascades if you live in eastern Oregon since the climates are so different.  

For a list of native plants suitable for gardens west of the Cascades, refer to Gardening with Oregon Native Plants West of the Cascades or Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards, a booklet produced by Metro in partnership with OSU Extension and other collaborators.  

For a list of native plants suitable for gardens east of the Cascades, refer to Selecting Native Plants for Home Landscape in Central Oregon.  

Miller acknowledges that some native plants can look out of place in manicured gardens, but he urges people to use them at the back of a border or to create an area in the garden dedicated to natives. However, many natives such as Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium), which blooms a glorious yellow in early spring, act beautifully as specimens planted front and center. Another candidate for the spotlight is the justifiably popular vine maple (Acer circinatum) with its graceful, multi-trunked form and colorful fall presence.   

“Oregon grape is just an awesome harbinger of spring,” Miller said. “Vine maples are also very high on my list. They attract beneficial insects in a big way and can be used as small trees or kept pruned smaller as large shrubs.”  

For back-of-the-border situations, Miller recommends oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor), a large shrub with frothy sprays of white flowers in spring. Another plant that works best in the back is elderberry, either red (Sambucus racemosa) or blue (S. caerulea).  

“If you’re looking for some height, blue elderberries are a good option,” he said. “Birds love the berries, and the blueberries are edible for humans, too.”  

When it comes to bulbs, Miller speaks highly of Pacific Northwest iris (Iris tenax), a diminutive iris with flowers in the purple and blue range with white and yellow throats (called signals). He also likes tiger lilies (Lilium columbianum), which have freckled orange or yellow flowers hanging face down with petals curved up. Of course, his list wouldn’t be complete, he said, without the tall, blue-blooming camas (Camassia quamash), which was a food mainstay for Willamette Valley Native Americans.  

For perennials, Miller is a fan of dainty, pink-flowering Pacific bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa), which can be a bit enthusiastic so should be planted where you don’t mind it running free. He’s also fond of the hummingbird magnet Western columbine (Aquilegia formosa), perky Oregon sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum), pink meadow checkerbloom (Sidalcea campestris) and the useful coastal strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis), which is an easy-going ground cover with berries for wildlife.  

All of these plants can be put in the ground in spring.  

He offers these instructions: Dig a hole about 2 feet by 2 feet for a 1-gallon pot or 3 to 4 feet for a 5-gallon pot. Replace enough soil so that the plant crown is level with the top of the hole. Fill in and water.  

No need to fertilize because you’ve amended the soil and natives don’t typically need much fertilizer. Water regularly through the first spring and summer to get the plants established. 

Crocidium multicaule 2.jpg

Water Crisis Puts Oregon Community At A Crossroads: by NPR news

In a desert far from any city, farmers use groundwater to grow lush green hay. The hay fattens livestock all over the world. But there’s a big problem: The water is drying up. Now scientists warn it will take thousands of years for an aquifer in southeastern Oregon to recover, while residents there are already hurting.

At Marjorie and John Thelen’s house, the well ran dry in 2015.

“We’re not ranchers. We’re not growing hay. We’re just retired in the country,” said 72-year-old Marjorie Thelen, who moved to Oregon with her husband, John, 12 years ago.

Impressed by the mountain views and the rambling sagebrush, they bought a modest house to spend the rest of their days in Harney County, Ore. Then, hay farming boomed around them.

“It was like a gold rush,” said 78-year-old John Thelen, describing how more giant steel sprinklers arrived after a state agency warned of water scarcity in 2016. He dreads the growing season: “It’s like having your arteries cut open and watching the blood run out, when your water is being sprayed to the wind and it’s evaporating away at humongous quantities.”

Like most people in this high, dry valley, the couple gets drinking water out of the ground. When their first well failed, they paid thousands of dollars to drill deeper, only to find high levels of arsenic in the groundwater there. Now, their kitchen is cluttered with plastic bottles. A cup of tea starts with a towering filtration system.

The Thelens say enough is enough: that it’s time for large-scale agriculture in the desert to end.

Meanwhile, Harney County commissioner and hay farmer Mark Owens says gradual and voluntary conservation is critical for the region’s overall economic health. He argues that farms aren’t the final destination for the water.

“I use a lot of water, but the crops that I raise go to Tillamook to produce the milk in the ice cream that you eat or the grains to feed the beef that you eat,” Owens said.

He points out that without farming, the local tax base would collapse, taking schools, roads, libraries and law enforcement with it.

“This issue that’s happening in [the] Harney Basin is going to happen in a community next to you,” he said. “If it’s not, just wait. We have to protect agriculture.”

Aquifer out of balance

Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey just spent three years studying the Harney Basin, mapping an aquifer starkly out of balance. They found powerful wells draining isolated pockets of water much faster than those spaces refill. But historically, lawmakers divvied up groundwater as if it were coming from some giant subterranean ocean that would never run out.

“I’ll give you an example,” explained Todd Jarvis, director of the Institute for Water and Watersheds at Oregon State University. “In 1904, a Texas Supreme Court ruling found that groundwater was so secret, occult and concealed that it was too difficult to legally control it.”

More than a hundred years later, this mindset is slowly changing. Texas now has groundwater conservation districts. California recently became the first state to pass a law requiring sustainable groundwater management. And at an Oregon dinner table, people in conflict are working toward the state’s first-ever voluntary conservation agreement.

The alternative is to shut off water on the basis of seniority, a centuries-old system that farmers warn would plunge the region into a depression.

Common ground

For Brenda Smith of the High Desert Partnership, finding common ground is all about building relationships.

“It’s a thousand cups of coffee,” said the director of the nonprofit that mediates natural resource conflicts in eastern Oregon. Building consensus is slow work, she admits, “but if you’re going to fight about it, we don’t have that time either.”

For the last three years, people in Harney County have been coming together regularly for meals and meetings. They form a circle, where hay farmers like Owens, who want to change slowly, sit across from homeowners like the Thelens, who want decisive action now, before the wells run dry again. The region’s very survival is on the line as this group tries to reach a compromise, before it’s too late.

Copyright 2020 Oregon Public Broadcasting. To see more, visit Oregon Public Broadcasting.


Ecology Based Landscapes... what are they?

What is an ecology based landscape?  This is the first question I ask students in my Restoration Horticulture course at Oregon State University.  It’s always an interesting assessment of how students view the field before delving into the specifics of the subject. So, what is an ecology based landscape, and how is it different than any other kind of landscape? 

First, I need to clarify that we’re talking about urban landscapes – residential or commercial – such as a backyard or development site.  Some of the impacts typically associated with these sorts of projects include removing most or all of the existing vegetation, affecting soil structure through compaction, chemical alteration, and destruction of the biotic community in soils, changing hydrologic function (water flow), and altering patterns of wind and solar gain.  The result is a site that is completely modified and generally unable to recover naturally.  Put simply, construction is a severe disturbance to the ecological function of a site.

This is where landscaping comes in.  Conventional landscaping practices attempt to mitigate the impacts of development through constructing a replacement plant community based exclusively on the perceived aesthetics of the home owner or neighborhood association (or other organizations overseeing the appearance of a community).  The landscape is designed and completed to compliment the architectural character of the structure, and normally includes both hardscape (pavers, sidewalks, patios, etc.) and vegetation.  Plants are chosen for morphological characteristics such as size, shape, or flower color, and are frequently planted in arrangements reflecting the vision of the landscape designer. 

Most of the plant material planted in these landscapes are cultivars developed for specific qualities such as flower color, plant size, or consistency.  The genetic variability inherent in native plants is generally lost during plant breeding or conventional plant production for the landscaping industry.  The lack of genetic diversity in plant material is reflected in an overall lack of diversity in soil biota responsible for supporting plants through nutrient cycling and uptake, improvements to soil structure, and plant-water relationships.  As a result, most conventional landscapes become dependent on cycles of fertilizing, watering, and pest management.  I like to refer to these types of landscapes as “plants on crack.”  Plants become highly dependent on chemical inputs (fertilizers) and water, which further suppresses soil biotic communities and results in a landscape that can survive only with active management.  

Conversely, ecology based landscaping is a method designed to re-establish the ecologically functional aspect of natural plant associations.  Ecology based design emphasizes stimulating growth of soil biotic populations and maximizing above and below-ground biodiversity.  Specific methods and materials vary by site, reflecting environmental states or the historic condition of a specific project location. But every design strives to create a fully functional landscape that doesn’t rely on artificial inputs – a landscape that avoids a negative cycle of addiction.   

HOW that’s done is a subject for future posts.  The first will be dealing with the broad subject of biodiversity; how the term is defined and how the concept can be incorporated in landscape design and construction.  Lots of good stuff coming up!

Upcoming soil webinar... Looks good!

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Regenerating Urban Soils Through Plant Density

Tune in this Friday
12/14 @ 10:00 a.m.

Erik will share his experience and knowledge in designed landscapes, his passion for C-sequestration in urban soils, and his vision that launched the Willamette Valley Regenerative Landscape Coalition.

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The Insect Apolalypse

This article from the NY Times provides an entertaining, but mildly depressing perspective on the general decline of ecological conditions over time, but specifically how insects are generally overlooked as indicators of ecological degradation. One of the more interesting points made in the article is, I think, the concept of a “Shifting Baseline Syndrome”, the acceptance of current ecological conditions as the norm by each generation, even though those conditions have been declining over time. Makes perfect sense!


Choosing native plant survey summary

Choosing Native Plants

 Survey Summary


Rick Martinson

WinterCreek Nursery

 Earlier this month we developed a brief survey to assess consumer’s values on consistency in native plant choices.  The survey was created primarily in response to a recent article[1] in Hort Technology, a peer reviewed journal from the American Society for Horticultural Science.  The article discusses release methods and marketing in the relatively new field of “Nativars”, the selection and propagation of native plants for specific phenotypic characteristics such as flower color, size, growth habit, or for specific qualities such as drought resistance expressed in an individual plant.  The goal of these efforts is to expand consumer interest in native plants and increase the attractiveness and use of native plants in home horticulture.  The idea is that native plants would be more marketable if they exhibited consistency in shape, color, size, and other features commonly desirable in urban landscapes.

 For me, the effort to homogenize the inherent variability in native plant species is troubling.  Many native plant landscapes are designed for resource savings, habitat quality, or the resilience of native plant communities.  Each of those features depends on the genetic variability of native species.  The ability of a landscape to survive and recover from drought, disturbance, disease, or pests is highly dependent on the plasticity of genetic variation, and much of that genetic variation is expressed through phenotypic properties. Propagating plants with the intent to decrease variability reduces the genetic adaptability of a population. This may have long-term consequences on naturally occurring populations of the same species in the same ecological region as the project in which nativars are installed, although literature explicitly addressing the genetic swamping potential of nativars is lacking.  

 Our survey addresses a more practical consideration; the preferences and values of consumers.  It’s unclear if institutions promoting nativars evaluated consumer preference concerning the inconsistencies in native plants, or the reasons people choose native plants as the primary plant type for their landscapes.  Those are the questions we targeted in our brief on-line survey.  

 We developed our survey through SurveyMonkey ( and released it on our nursery facebook page ( The survey was “boosted” twice to illicit responses from three levels of separation from WinterCreek Nursery (the survey went to friends of friends of friends of WinterCreek).  The survey included six questions about native plants, one question about the respondent’s location, and one open-ended question that allowed people to express additional thoughts.  No personal information was gathered.  We received a total of 124 responses from Oregon, Washington, California, and Texas. 

 Generally, consumers choose native plants for their ability to reduce water use, wildlife habitat value, and pollinator habitat value (Figure 1), and value genetic diversity over consistency in phenotypic characteristics (Figure 2).  Flower shape, size, and color are less important than mature plant type and size, and consumers tend to choose plants based on apparent health of the plant at the nursery and the type of plant rather than consistency in appearance at maturity (Figure 3).  Individual comments submitted throughout the survey suggest consumers have a broad understanding of the value of genetic diversity in native plants but desire more education on the subject, and consider variability an important factor in their choice of native plants as components of home landscapes.  

 Forty-eight comments were submitted by respondents (Table 1).  The comments generally address five primary subjects: resource conservation, maintaining genetic variability, deer resistance, wildlife and pollinator habitat, and availability.   These remarks reflect answers to questions in the survey and support survey results that indicate genetic variability in native plants is a desirable characteristic to consumers.  

[1]Rupp, et al. 2018. Native and Adapted Plant Introduction for Low-water Landscaping.  HortTechnology August 2018 28:431-435; doi:10.21273/HORTTECH04044-18


Figure 1: Responses to question 1: Why do you choose native plants? Columns indicate percentage of responses for each option (N=124). Water conservation and habitat value are rated significantly higher than other options. The high score of Conservation Ethic suggests a broad understanding of environmental values of native plants and their potential to contribute to overall resource conservation; not only water. “Other” responses ranged from valuing genetic diversity to deer resistance.

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Figure 2: Weighted averages of responses for four questions ranking effect of consistency in plant characteristics on choice by consumers. Responses were ranked 1 through 5 from “Not at all important” to “Extremely important.” The four questions are: 1) How important is consistency in plant shape when choosing natives for your landscape? 2) How important is consistency in plant size when choosing natives for your landscape? 3) How important is genetic diversity in your decision to use native plants? 4) How important is consistency in flower color when choosing natives for your landscape? Results show that consumers value genetic diversity in native plants more than phenotypic characteristics commonly targeted in nativar propagation. (N=124)

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Figure 3: Ranking of desirable plant characteristics by respondents (N=124). Results indicate that the type of plant and the apparent health of nursery stock are significantly more important to consumers than consistency in flower color or the mature shape of a native plant. However, general plant characteristics such as flowering period and mature size are also important considerations when choosing native plants, reflecting aesthetic elements common in urban landscape design.

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Table 1: Forty-eight comments submitted by survey respondents. The remarks target five primary subjects: resource conservation, genetic diversity, pollinator and wildlife habitat, deer resistance, and plant availability.

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Choosing Native Plants survey

The use of native plants in landscapes is a choice people make for a variety of reasons. But the native plant nursery industry is beginning to question the market value of some characteristics unique to native plants — like variability in size or shape, or the inconsistencies in flower color, or regional differences in seasonality. There is a small movement to provide native plants with consistency in characteristics such as flower size or color, or drought tolerance by selecting individual plants displaying desirable characteristics for propagation.

This brief survey is intended to gain some understanding of customers concerns and preferences when choosing to purchase native plants for their landscapes. All responses will remain anonymous. Results will be summarized and presented in this blog, and may be used in research publications or conference presentations. Thank you for helping with this effort!

Rick Martinson

(You’ll need to copy and paste the address in a browser to open it. I can’t figure out how to make it a hotlink in this format… )

The Future of Landscape Design

The Future of Landscape Design: Water, Climate Change, and Public Perception

By Rick Martinson


We desperately need a wholesale shift in how we perceive, design, and install landscapes. Our industry has the opportunity to help create long-term solutions to effects of climate change and the expected shifts in timing, intensity, and duration of precipitation events. Water availability, use, and waste within the city has become a main focus of the Department of Public Works, and substantial effort is being made by the city and irrigation contractors to increase the efficient application of water through ensuring systems are designed and maintained correctly.  However, water use will continue to be a contentious subject throughout the semi-arid west.  Meeting future water restrictions will require creativity in how we design and construct landscapes in urban settings.  One way to do that is through design and construction of projects based on the ecology of specific site locations.

Ecology based landscape design considers hydrology, soils, plant associations, and underlying geology of a project site.  In ecological terms, designs take into consideration the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) aspects of a site and strive to balance the ecological function of a landscape with the aesthetic values of the property owner or manager.   Emulating natural processes or creating landscapes with the intent and ability to “kick-start” many of the functions of natural systems, such as nutrient cycling or stormwater management, can also significantly reduce a created landscape’s requirements for water, fertilizers, and other inputs.  These methods address the sustainability of a project, but more importantly, move beyond mere sustainability toward regeneration of ecosystem services that are generally lost through disturbances inherent in development and construction activities.  Examples of ecosystem services include air and water purification, stormwater management, reduction of urban heat island effects, pollination, aesthetic quality, and other functions benefiting people and societies.

An effective approach to this type of work is the use of native vegetation appropriate for the specific project location.  Ecological characteristics vary considerably, and working with vegetation adapted to specific environmental conditions increases a project’s efficiency through increased resiliency, inter and intra-species relationships, and preservation of community structure and existing energy flows.  These qualities simply increase the efficient functioning of a created landscape, and reduce or eliminate the need for artificial inputs (such as water or fertilizers) resulting in an economic benefit while providing a sense of place and functional beauty.

Another approach is to utilize on-site resources to the greatest extent possible.  Capture and control of stormwater is a common requirement in urban development, and is addressed in many Codes, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R’s) in municipalities throughout the western United States.  But shifting our view of stormwater as bothersome to a highly valued resource can encourage landscape designers and architects to include features designed to capture and use stormwater as a secondary or even primary irrigation source.  An example of this is the creative design of vegetated bioswales.  In many instances stormwater is directed off a roof, through a gutter, and down a spout or chain to a large hole in the ground filled with drainrock (a drywell).  A more suitable use might be construction of a dry stream bed or vegetated swale designed to capture runoff from the downspout and use that seasonal moisture to create a unique climate and choose plants adapted to those seasonally moist areas. A number of native species naturally occur in similar environmental conditions, and can tolerate extremely dry soils during the heat of the summer.  These types of features not only utilize a scarce resource, but add a unique aesthetic element to landscapes.  Similarly, reusing soils and rock from excavation of a site as backfill and during landscape construction can help maintain some of the biological activity existing on site prior to disturbances.  Projects designed to maintain or enhance the functional ecology of a project site have been shown to greatly reduce a landscapes dependence on human inputs such as water or fertilizers.  Local municipalities can often supply examples of these types of projects.

One key element of landscapes designed to maximize efficiency is biodiversity.  Although biodiversity has been defined in many different ways, the term generally refers to the range of organisms in an ecosystem.  In a landscape setting, biodiversity is commonly used to refer to the number of plant species installed, and the diversity of soil organisms supporting the landscape.  Maximizing both above-ground (plants) and below-ground (fungi, bacteria, nematodes, etc) diversity helps create a self-supporting and self-regulating landscape resistant to pests and resilient in response to changing environmental conditions.  Research continues to provide examples of the essential relationship between plants and soil biota, and several companies provide commercial fungal and bacterial inoculants suitable for urban landscapes.

Our relationship with landscapes and many of our aesthetic values are a result of a long history of cultural values and marketing efforts of landscape, irrigation, or fertilizer companies.  Recent drought conditions in much of the semi-arid western U.S. and a growing awareness of environmental issues by homeowners and contractors are challenging those historic views.  Modification of municipal code, development of Best Management Practices (BMP’s), and an increase in application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques in project construction and maintenance are signs of a subtle shift in how we view and interact with created and managed environments.  

But the number of projects addressing concerns over resource availability (predominantly water) is still small.  An increased understanding and knowledge of environmental issues and how to address expected effects of climate change is critical for the continued viability of the landscape industry.   New technology and shifts in design concepts and construction techniques within the green industry continue to improve efficiency of created landscapes, but some feel those changes are not fast enough or effective at addressing long-term sustainability of our industry.  We as an industry can be proactive and act as leaders in the development of a truly sustainable future.



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